This Program guarantees employees of the DTPW, the PRHTA and external applicants, equal job opportunities and prohibits discrimination in the programs administrated by both government entities. Additionally, the personnel of both agencies, are advised of the administrative policies of equal opportunity and against sexual harassment at the workplace; similarly, we work with the affirmative action policies.
Programa de Acción Afirmativa. (Only Spanish)
Reglamento para Presentar Querellas por Actos de Discrimen u Hostigamiento Sexual (Only Spanish)
Complaint Form for Discriminatory Practice
Witness Certification for claimant unable to read or write
Manual de Recomendaciones para llevar a cabo una Investigación Interna en casos de Discrimen, incluyendo Hostigamiento Sexual (para Directores o Supervisores) (Only Spanish)
Memorandos Circulares Centros de Lactancia (Only Spanish)
Carta de Derechos de la Mujer Trabajadora (Only Spanish)